Dior Book Tote Replica Handbags Tote Bags Bronzing
$139.00 $183.00
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Official picture [Dior Purchasing Grade] Produced by overseas OEMs, overseas original order, original hardware and leather, free access to customs and counters, only for high-end customers, CD medium Book Tote inverted zoo shopping bag is so beautiful, it does not get dirty easily and discoloration. The size is 36×27.5×16.5cm. The d in the inner circle of the p in the Paris font is relatively thin and not very wide; the letter s is a bit like the number 5, not very regular, and the A looks strange, with a horizontal line close to the bottom. R is lame. The fonts are clear and full; the fonts on the market are not dense and the fonts are thin. Let me learn more about the hot stamping font of CD Tote. Let’s compare the market. Note that the angle of the C letter head is tilted up, left, down and right, and the vertical part of the h is very long. The point of i is very round, the point of s is tilted 15 degrees to the right, and the slender sides of D overflow. Paris’s s is small at the top and big at the bottom. The middle of the m in the bottom row is a horizontal line instead of a pointed tip, and the N letter is thin. The handle is full and not easily deformed. Although it is reverse embroidery, the tiger still retains its charm. There are various kinds of tigers on the market, some are fat and some are thin. Can not bear to look.
Brands: Dior, Dior Book Tote
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