Dior Tote Bags Quality Replica Embroidery Vintage
$134.00 $171.00
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Small size in stock‼ ️
Di.or Tote’s latest size is a small size. This bag was planted🌿. It is a little shorter than the original small size and looks very delicate😘. It not only retains the exquisiteness and cuteness of the small bag, but also has the size of the big bag. Capacity, fully meets daily travel use🙋🏻♀️, classic embroidery, iconic letters, fashionable and versatile and full of retro flavor🤗
size: 26*8*22cm
Di.or Tote’s latest size is a small size. This bag was planted🌿. It is a little shorter than the original small size and looks very delicate😘. It not only retains the exquisiteness and cuteness of the small bag, but also has the size of the big bag. Capacity, fully meets daily travel use🙋🏻♀️, classic embroidery, iconic letters, fashionable and versatile and full of retro flavor🤗
size: 26*8*22cm
Brands: Dior
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