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 Dior Handbags Tote Bags Calfskin Cowhide Fall/Winter Collection Fashion

Dior Handbags Tote Bags Calfskin Cowhide Fall/Winter Collection Fashion

$154.00 $187.00
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2850¥ [Dior Dior Purchasing Level] Produced by overseas OEMs, overseas original orders, original hardware and leather, free access to customs and counters, only for high-end customers, this toujours tote bag is really super beautiful and is exclusively available on the entire network. This The model is also the 23 autumn and winter model. Currently, I am the only one who has gotten something from this factory
If you want good products, you must not miss it. ˇSize 30\/20\/19
Let’s take a look at the real-life details. It is made of large cannage calfskin and is made of oil-waxed leather. It is flooded when opened. The capacity of the shopping bag is also sufficient.
Take Toujours with you when traveling. The oversized rhombus design, paired with classic letter accessories, is modern and fashionable. The structure of the bag is very soft, and the calfskin material is full of high-end feel. The unique buckle can fold the sides when closed. , the capacity is very nice, and it is thoughtfully equipped with an inner bag
Transformation bag, it can be transformed freely, each has its own unique style after transformation, it is very simple and easy to wear, the calfskin material imported from Italy is made of cannage stitching This kind of craftsmanship can only be seen on the Princess Diana bag. The very high-end leather body is soft to the touch and the filling is plump and round. The hardware is really beautiful, the steel hardware is light gold vacuum plating and each individual letter is perfect. Flawless, full and round gloss, the real export order is the same thing as the counter! There is a small envelope bag inside, which can be used to put documents and other valuables
Exclusive control of goods, only for high-end customers. The market is very confusing with various versions, and there are not many good goods. If you want high-quality goods, come here, we only do it Genuine product development is not about buying an imitation version in the market and then imitating it. It is a regular product from a big manufacturer, and the quality is guaranteed. Don’t compare prices between various versions, the hardware and leather materials are far different. Every detail is carefully made, stitched, and oiled, and the craftsmanship ensures that it meets the quality requirements of the counter. Actual photos as shown, exclusive channel.

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